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The COVID-19 pandemic began in China, the first country to get hit by the new coronavirus. However, China was able to respond quickly. Let’s explore their response

How the Chinese Government responded

  • Within a week of identifying the unknown virus, China reported the genetic information to the World Health Organization (WHO).

  • In less than 10 days in Wuhan, two new hospitals with over 1,000 beds were built.

  • Over the past 6-8 weeks, 31 medical teams with more than 42,000 doctors and nurses were sent to Wuhan to combat the outbreak.

  • China has provided continuous, clear communication to the public.

  • Soon after the outbreak was announced, people were told to stay at home and go out only to get food or medical help. Around 760 million people, roughly half the country’s population, were confined to their homes (New York Times).


Protective Suits

This is the difference between the protective suits in China and the protective suits in the Unites States. Chinese nurses have a lot more protective gear (PPE) to shield themselves from the virus when treating COVID patients.


Chinese Nurse PPE

American Nurse PPE